St. Stanislaus Church is open for adorers
Sunday through Friday
from 3pm to 7pm.
On the 4th Sunday of the month, St. Stanislaus will offer a Parish Family Holy Hour at 5pm. The hour will focus on adoration with vespers & benediction.
Religious Education starts September 22 for Preschool through 6th grade/ Confirmation Class for Jr. High Starts at September 22/High School Youth Group Starts September 11th @ 7:00 PM Register your student now by clicking below. Please pay when registering via Easy Tithe.
Religious Ed/JR High Confirmation/HS Youth Group Registration Click Here 2024/2025 Religious Ed/Confirmation/ High Youth Group Registration
Thank You!
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who made our 175th Anniversary Celebration possible! It was a grace-filled occasion to reflect in gratitude and celebrate the gift of Faith, made possible throughout the generations in our parish community and the countless Jesuit priest
missionaries, as well as our spiritual ancestors who lived and handed on to us the Faith!
I want to thank all the individuals that helped coordinate
the anniversary Mass with the Archbishop and the
reception celebration afterward.
Thank you to the Knights for the Honor Guard, to all who did the ministries at the Mass, created the beautiful flower arrangements for the church, to the individuals from the Pay Station Museum, who so thoughtfully organized historical artifacts for display at the reception, to those who designed the commemorative t-shirts and wooden church ornaments for the occasion, and to the parish council and all others who so generously set up, provided the meal, and helped with the cleanup.
Being intentional about celebrating occasions of the Faith is
an essential dimension of our lived experience as
Catholic Christians.
I'm deeply grateful to the Lord to be part of these two
parish family communities.
Praise Him!
Father Ahn